I cleared off the bed and the bench for my grandpa. I laid down a blanket for him and got him pillows and another blanket and even gave him my second comforter that I brought. I was worried that he was gonna be cold since heat rises and he was sleeping nearer to the floor. He also doesn't have hardly any body fat on him so he gets cold easily. I crawled up onto the bunk and hit my head and arms and legs a bunch on the ceiling but when I laid down something stabbed me. I pulled an iron vice and a big bag of money out from under the mattress. I was like the princess and the pea, the mafia version.
I could hardly go to sleep because I was coughing so bad. I figured out it was the dust up there on the bunk and I had to sleep with my face in the pillow just so that I could breathe. I woke up a lot in the night and then in the morning I only woke up when Grandpa cranked the heater up so high I thought I was in a dusty sauna. Then the heater blew the circuit and when I told Grandpa, he just shrugged. I figured out which panel held the circuits and flipped it myself instead.
And of course, I've had the usual experience with my grandpa and his driving. I hate riding in this motor home because every time I think its going to be the last time. That is why I have composed this overly long and detailed blog post, to distract me from my fear of the ride home.